Hair fall season

In this period, almost all are concerned about the same thing : for hair loss . But how normal is this problem and what to do to solve it ? , For speaking text , published in English . The cure Seasonal hair fall , typical of October , every year puts us on alert . Especially in women experience this stage as a play when we see numerous hair we remain in the hands or comb , we fall through the floor or take a shower whenever . In fact , in most cases , this seasonal replacement bioritmin has to do with our natural and there is nothing to worry about. Hair fall as the leaves fall to grow more beautiful than before , at least hope so . But is it always so ? Seasonal fall or telogen effluvium As hair can fall into normal mode and in the case of change of seasons ? It is estimated that on average each of us fall 50 or 70 hair every day , but in the fall we can waste up to 100 or even more . All this is normal and there is nothing special to do . However , sometimes it goes into decline very scary figures , as in the days may be numbered hundreds of fallen hair . The phenomenon is more widespread than we think and has a name : telogen effluvium , hair fall means " abundance " . The decline may be limited over time , for a few days or for a month maximum , but in general the effects on the " roof " of the head can be seen . The causes are not always clear , sometimes telogen effluvium can be determined by endogenous problems , for example the thyroid , the secessions of postpartum hormonal or stress abound. However it is worth mentioning that if you notice hair falling numerous dermatologist should be contacted immediately . Hair loss , as can be cured Telogen effluvium , which is a drop of "emergency " , always caused by the change of season , stress or a traumatic event , can stop itself as it starts . In the acute stage can do the " inside " adding to your daily diet vitamin B and E , and minerals such as copper , zinc and iron , in order to accelerate the subsequent growth phase . It is advisable to consume fruits (including dried , like walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts ) , vegetables , sunflower and pumpkin seeds , fish , dairy products , legumes and eggs . Cases of hair fall exceeds the normal limits Hair grows at the rate to 0.35 mm per day and has a density 80000-150000 . A variety of factors influence hair growth and decline . Will specifically mention inheritance , pathological influence of external factors Internal factors such as damaging to hair as paints of different chemicals , stress , environmental pollution , various diseases in the body , taking certain medications , etc. . In normal people fall and hair growth occurs continuously . The decline is considered normal hair loss yarns 70-100 per day , ie on the number of hair fall is considered pathological , which is necessary consultation with dermatologist physician . So every day we lose up to 100 hairs , which are then replaced in the coming months and new hair so the hair does not lose its volume , despite falling yarns . Each hair follicle or root follow a certain pace , with growth and resting phases . At the end of each phase , the hair falls off and a new phase with the formation of a new strand begins , replacing the lost strands . Garlic regenerate hair Garlic juice gives a great help in restoring lost hair . After the suppression of the best garlic , the juice obtained is about 3 minutes massage at the place where the hair has fallen . And held for 30 minutes and then wash well head , until he goes heavy smell of garlic . This action is done once a week to show positive results