without weakening has secrets to keep dietary

If you are thinking to change your daily diet to lose a few pounds , you should know that it is not enough simply to reduce the amount of food , but you need to change the way of thinking . Here six valuable tips to lose some kilos , without holding any type of diet . 1 ) If you sleep more weigh less If you sleep an hour longer than usual , it will help you lose 6 kg in a year .
Have come to this conclusion researchers at the University of Michigan . If there moments when you do any physical activity replaced with sleep , this is a very good thing for the body , as sleep aids in merging at least 6 % of the calories that you consume . There is evidence demonstrating that lack of sleep increases the appetite significantly . 2 ) Eat three servings of vegetables If you consume 3 servings of vegetables , you will have the feeling of satiety without adding many calories . Remember that if you eat more fruits and vegetables have more opportunity to lose weight .
3 ) Begin with a soup lunch If you start eating a soup lunch before you eat other things , will be filled quickly , without many calories . But be careful , because the soups are not all alike . Be sure to include soup fresh vegetables and no fat . 4 ) Chew gum with a strong peppermint flavor In situations where you have an irresistible desire to eat , enough to chew gum with a strong peppermint flavor , which consume foods that taste is lost then and so will have no desire to eat . 5 ) Eat Drink with 0 calories If you like fizzy drinks should also know that with a single cans add to your body at least 10 teaspoons of sugar . Be sure to consume drinks with 0 calories , like lemonade with lemon juice , mint or strawberry , or black tea and green tea . 6 ) Reduce as much meat from the menu According dietologes Elaine Magee , vegetarians healed 20 % less than people who consume meat .