unbearable climate in the Balkans in 2049

Very high temperatures , which can reach even 50 degrees Celsius , will make life impossible in Skopje . This is the prediction of a survey conducted by a team of scientists at a University of Hawaii , who estimates that such expectations will be realized by the year 2049 , or , at the latest , by the year 2080 . U.S. scientists predict that temperatures will change completely astronomical climate in this region , causing an apocalypse . But not only that Skopje will be covered by hot temperatures , Journal reports .
Podgorica will be the first city that will suffer from climate change , then will be Skopje , Ljubljana , Sarajevo , Zagreb and Belgrade . Scientists explain the phenomenon by the emission of harmful gases , as one of the main reasons for increasing temperatures . " These climate changes will force us to change the place where we live , for the simple reason that we can not afford the new climate . It would be really unbearable , and life in many regions will be destroyed . If the political will existed to date for a dramatic harmful emissions , the risk of major climate change will be avoided , "said team chief researchers , Kamilo Mora . But , according to him , this process will be difficult to stop , because temperatures will increase from year to year , especially after the year 2049 .