University funding cuts will sway voters against Labor

MORE than a third undecided voters would  to support Labor after its cuts to universities to pay for school reforms, according to a new survey. In a blow to the Prime Minister's education crusade, the survey also found 34 per cent of soft voters - who have indicated a preference for a party but are willing to change - would choose the Coalition if it reversed the Gillard Government's $2.3 billion tertiary cuts. And a quarter of all Australians were more likely to vote for the Coalition if it withdrew support for the controversial slash to university budgets. Almost 90 per cent of Australians support increased funding for universities and 64 per cent believed such measures threaten the country's future. "This polling shows the strength of the community opposition to the Government's cuts,
which have amounted to over $3.8 billion since late last year," said Belinda Robinson, chief executive of Universities Australia, which commissioned the research. "It also reflects just how strongly everyday Australians feel about the role of our universities in securing Australia's economic future." The national survey of more than 800 voters by Enterprise Marketing and Research Services was held after last month's federal budget. It comes as the university peak body ramps up its campaign against the Government, with a new round of advertising targeting 80 seats with a significant university presence. "The local ad blitz is recognition that universities are vital to every facet of the Australian economy, whether in the cities, the suburbs or rural and regional towns," Ms Robinson said. "Our 39 Universities are a vital part of every local economy,
helping drive employment, skills and research wherever they are located. In the regions alone they employ over 10,000 Australians, educate over 100,000 students and contribute around $2 billion a year to local economies."