Android apps that play nice with PC

Android apps that play nice with PC

Technology evolves rapidly and so do our needs and work expectations.Working on the fly sometimes may prove to be beneficial and in some other times lifesaving.If you need to have more  productivity than some of those apps are built to let you do just that.
Folder sync
Folder Sync is very customizable and is very easy to use.It sync's your folder and files in cloud services like Dropbox, UbuntuOne, SkyDrive, and a lot more.
OfficeSuit Pro 
Sometimes you need to work on the road.than this is the right tool for you.its capability to connect and share with the cloud and its easy design make it the perfect tool.It does cost a bit more than other free alternatives but it is worth it.
Astro File Manager
Staying productive on your mobile device often invokes mocking around in your mobile device and in some of those times may prove to be very frustrating.Astro file manager is built to simplify this task.It has a built in search manager and also "cloud hopping" wich lets you move your files from one cloud service to another without the need to download them first.