How to Name a Husky : 6 Steps (with pictures)

Huskies are beautiful dogs and some people have trouble naming them even after reading dog name books to help. The following tips may help name your husky.


Think of when you first approached him/her.   Was he/she shy, dreamy, aggressive or active? If it was shy for example you could call him a name that would be a close relative of 'shy' and would fit in. Dreamy is an easy one as the dog could be called Dreamy or Dreamer, or you could even put a word in front of that to make it sound pretty if the dog was female. Example: Summer Dreamer or Sunny Dreams. Of course, it would be weird if you went around calling your dog a big long name like that so give him/her a nickname.

Choose an aggressive name for an aggressive husky.  Use names like Thunder, Lightning, Flash or Diesel.

Select an active name for a husky with an active personality.  Use a name like Jumpy for an active husky.

Use names that match the huskies fur or eye color.  Example: Stripes, Blackie, Snowie or Love for dogs with a heart shape on their chest. Name the husky, Sky, if the your husky has blue eyes for example.

Use the names you have already thought of and translate them into Japanese or Chinese or even Spanish - your dog won't mind.

Pick simple names, maybe a name of food. Try Apples, Oranges, Peaches, Crumbs, Biscuits or Cookies.